Sports Premium
What is the Sports Premium
The PE and sport premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sports activities they offer their pupils. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and will see money going directly to primary school head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for their children. From the academic years 2013/2014 to 2016/2017, the government provided funding of £150 million per annum. In 2017/2018, this premium was doubled for schools to further develop PE and sport.
In 2022/2023, Highfield Community Primary School received £16,924 in sport premium funding.
Purpose of the Funding
The School Sport Premium money is ring fenced and can only be spent on Physical Education and sport provision in school. Schools will be expected to use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education, physical activity and sport that they offer.
The Department of Education recommends that schools use the funding to;
- Develop or add to the PE, physical activity and sport activities that your school already offers
- Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement in as a result of effectively spending the allocated money.
- Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
- The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
- Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- Increased participation in competitive sport.