School Sports Crew
Highfield School Sports Crew
Created back in 2014, the School Sports Crew has played a pivotal role in leading and improving school sport and school life. We started off with just six members nearly ten years ago. Today we stand at 12, with 3 of those apprentices from year 3/4. Children are invited to apply for this role to find the most suitable candidates. Each member of the crew receives their own Sports Crew t-shirt and badge, so the rest of the pupils know who to go to for anything sport related as the crew represent the pupil voice. Throughout the academic year, the members will attend SSC meetings with our two PE Co-ordinators to speak about how we can improve school sport. They will plan and set-up small activities on the yard at break time and M.U.G.A at lunch times. They are constantly given a list of equipment that is needed by a member of staff to retrieve for the next lesson or club. They are all in charge of keeping our PE cupboard tidy.
The SSC are invaluable to making school sport happen on a daily basis for our children.